Monday, April 18, 2016

Conflicts- My Story

Some conflicts in the book I'm reading "My Story" by Elizabeth Smart is that she got kidnapped from her own house in the middle of the night and was abused and raped. This is the major conflict in the book because she was 14 when this all happened and it took 9 months for people to find her or spot her. She wasn't really fed or taken good care of because all the guy who took her (Brian David Mitchell) wanted to do was use her and take advantage since she couldn't do anything to help herself. His wife had helped him take her and use her. When she was found it was because she had been seen with them on the street. In the story she says, " I wiped my tears away, but inside I was crying even more. He was so...heartless. So cold and unfeeling." What this is showing is that she can't really do this anymore but she's not going to show him she's weak, she wants to be strong but it's impossible for her not only because she can't  really do this herself but because she is only 14 years old and people are doing things to her we don't even want to imagine.

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