Thursday, March 10, 2016

The secret language of sisters

In the book The Secret Language of Sisters by Launne Rice there is a lot of conflict. In the Roos and Tillys dad died like a year or two years ago and they kinds both have there different way of expressing that. Tilly is the younger sister and is very unpaticent. She hurries her sister to pick her up and while she's driving Tilly keeps texting Roo. Roo is usually never late mostly always earlier than everyone. So while Roo is driving she decides to text Tilly back, (guess we all know what happens) she gets into this really big accident but she hits this dog and that's the only thing she's worried about. She's in the hospital and is put in coma but everyone thinks she going to die. Tilly thinks it's her fault and once her friend says it is and has proof she finally realizes it. This causes a lot of drama.! In the book it states, " 'You caused her accident?' I asked, practically screeching. 'No Tilly. You did.' " this is showing that this is going to cause a lot of problems for Roo, Tilly and her family. 

1 comment:

  1. This book looks good!! I like your post!!
