Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The secret language of sisters

In the book The Secret Language of Sisters by Luanne Rice there is this amazing quote on page 111. " I wanted her to talk to me for once, to know I was here and not feel the way we had when talking to our dads grave, when we knew he was gone, that he wasn't really here." I really like this quote personally and think it is such an amazing quotes and powerful. The reason I'm saying that is because she's saying that even though I'm in coma and can't talk I just want you to see through that if I was here. Like since there dad died and when they visit his grave they usually talk to him like he's there but not there and she doesn't want to her sister to feel like she isn't coming back. This quote can also go to a lot of people because it's like saying even though you lost a lot of people in your life and someone else tries to reach you, don't push them away, because even though Roo is in coma she's still there for Tilly and she wants her to know that. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That sounds like a very good book!!!!!
